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6 Tips to start a conversation and impress people in under 60 seconds or lesser. If you get these right, you can become unforgettable but if you mess up your first introduction or how you come across in your first meeting, people can forget you by the time they even turn around. Starting a conversation with a stranger even though a warm introduction can be daunting. By following these 5 tips or failing to follow then, I’ve seen a completely different outcome. To make an unforgettable connection with someone you’ve just met, keep these tips in mind.

Welcome to - Live bold and bloom with Ishika.

  • USE YOUR WARDROBE AND STYLE - One of the easiest ways to get noticed and impress people is through visual cues. When you see someone who is put together, well dressed and groomed it may send a signal that they are doing something or worth talking about and it also creates that curiosity and engagement. Invest what you can in looking your best. It doesn’t require expensive wardrobe. Under your body, lifestyle and goals. It could be as simple as starting with a good haircut. Even if you are wearing just a T-Shirt make sure that it fits your body. Knowing the right size of your body shape shows that you are in tune with who you are. If your body size and weight fluctuates then be aware of what fits your current size.                                      When I started dress better, it motivated me to lose weight, to speak confidently to others, people wanted to work with me because I looked and felt better. When you look and feel better who speak well of yourself.
  • DIRECT YOUR CONVERSATION - Steer the conversation in the direction you want to. Take any remark or an opportunity to steer the conversation so that you can tell an anecdote story or an idea that shows your character or some skills that you have. This could be anything from say someone asks you, “Hey! How’re you?” You would say, “Really amazing. Something very exciting happened this week.” With this technique you can transition from almost any topic. If there are other people in that group, they will also know more about who you are and what you do.
  • BRAG WITHOUT BRAGGING - Do not try to purposely show-off most people will find this distasteful and not very fascinating. Sometimes people can even feel as though you are speaking down to them. People feel that others don’t like them when they have all good intentions, it could be something about your body language or may be the way you brag about themselves unknowingly that people may not find fascinating. Instead of bragging share stories about yourself. Stories are an effective way to show your best qualities. Construct them carefully. Like this people associate with you as someone who has worked hard and worked up in their life to achieve something. 
  • USE “ POWER WORDS” - Power words are words or phrases that instantly cause your listener to perk up and take notice. Here are a few words people love to hear in professional settings: detail-oriented, hard-working, high-energy, organised , quick study, team player, fastidious, results, fostered excellent relationships, people skills, research skills, and leadership.
  • COMPLIMENTS - Compliment the partners or friends of your associates at parties and meetings. Think about it, what they say about you influences the person you are concerned with. I have seen this happen that when you are at a party and you are very keen on meeting that CEO of a certain company, you are so focused on impressing that one person that you ignore his or her partner or friends. Even if you do something as simple as remember their names and use it in the conversation, they will be impressed. Even when you are about to close the conversation, close the conversation talking to his/her friends or associates. This way when they’ll talk about you or your name pops up in a conversation everyone remembers you fondly and that’s how you become unforgettable.
  • TOUCHING YOUR FACE - Toughing your face is usually not considered appropriate  to create a positive impression. This is true because most people don’t even know that when they are nervous, they start touching their face. But you can play a completely different game when you feel conscious of what you are doing with your hands. There’s a big difference in the way you fidget or touch your face or your body parts that creates distraction versus when you use your body language wisely to see more interested and interesting in a conversation.                                                              If you can pull these few tips off in your first meeting with someone, you potentially have the beginnings of a lasting and fruitful connection. But concentrating too much on the impression you are making, can make you seem nervous and inattentive. Spend a little time thinking about the impression you want to make then try to switch your focus to what is going on around you. Also, remember that no one will be analysing your behaviour as much as you are!


Swati said…
Keep it up❤
Swati said…
Keep it up❤
Swati said…
Anonymous said…
Sush said…
You rock my gal💗

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