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Adaptability - An Important Soft Skill In Modern Era.

There’s a lot of people out there who will tell you stories about how to make other people change but how do you prepare yourself mentally to handle the changes life throws at you when you wake each morning? Do you end up feeling anxious and worried when you think about what each day holds for you?

Change is inevitable in life. Though emotionally disturbing, arming ourselves with lots of adaptabilities will go a long way in handling change. In addition to focusing on your mental health, your academic capability, your physical fitness; the big fourth one is figuring out how to be more adaptable. 

Welcome to - Live Bold And Bloom With Ishika.

Adaptability comes from the Latin word “Aptus” and Aptus means to fit; to mold yourself and the people who adapt the most are the fittest, the optimist. Adaptability is a soft skill that means being able to rapidly learn new skills and behaviours in response to changing circumstances. Employers usually look for adaptability when hiring new staff and the skill is often included in job descriptions because of its importance for growth within a role. People who adapt easily are flexible set of people who you find excelling in a team. In this modern era, adaptability has become the watchword of doing business. What this means is that as an employee, you must be willing to adapt as well.

According to Guy Winch, there is so much we stand to benefit when we are willing to adapt. One of the most prominent ones is more happiness in life. We will always be confronted with Psychological challenges in life. After waves of hopelessness take a bow; we should courageously take on these setbacks and learn whatever lesson life gives us, and then move on with life. One fact we can’t deny is that our happiness, satisfaction and ability to build a quality relationship; is largely dependent on our adaptability skill.

Adaptability helps you stand strong in seeming hopeless situation. Once you assure yourself that you have all it takes to begin the change process right within you, you will have unlocked more happiness for yourself. Adaptability expands your capacity to handle change, no matter how serious it might be. Instead of throwing away your energy trying to change your circumstance, you will change yourself right from within, thus making you thrive in whatever situation you find yourself. Great leaders know that change is inevitable, and they don’t shy away from it. They also remain positive in the face of adversity, keeping their teams and employees focused and motivated through tough or lacklustre periods. Great leaders are also open-minded and considered, knowing that solutions and brilliance can be found in many places. They’re never quick to disregard solutions that might be viable. All these important leadership qualities have adaptability at their core, and rely on an ability to adapt to, and embrace change. 

As Charles Robert Darwin said: It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change. It’s now more important than ever to be flexible and agile, with plenty of resourcefulness and creativity to respond effectively to challenges and grab new opportunities. There are times we experience unexpected unpleasant situations in life. Being adaptable ensures you stay afloat when adversities of life try to sink you down. Instead of running away from reality, you embrace it and flow with it. 

According to Jasper, "To change, be different, be interesting, be brave and have some charm"


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