Wrinkles, sunspots, dull rough skin and sadness these are some of the gifts our skin receives as we grow up. It’s not fair to depend solely on serums, creams and masks. Today I’m discussing some practical ways to take care of your skin in everyday life that are absolutely free and highly effective for a more youthful and glowing appearance. Welcome to - live bold and bloom with Ishika. Face towel - Use a separate face towel to gently pat air dry your face. Think about it, you use your body towel all over your body. This is not just a bacteria or cleanliness issue, the products you put on your body such as your moisturisers, fragrances and your hair products are not the greatest if they end up on your face. They can clog your pores, increase breakouts and some could even cause irritation or rashes. Bacteria, dead skin cells, oil and other debris can collect on that towel that you are using on your body which can up your risk of skin infections, acne flares and irritations. Hair up - Yo...
EMPOWERING YOU ALL TO BE THE BEST VERSION OF YOURSELVES. If the way you communicate with your body and personality changes the way you feel, move, and speak, then you are experiencing the positive impact of image empowerment.