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Showing posts from November, 2020


Wrinkles, sunspots, dull rough skin and sadness these are some of the gifts our skin receives as we grow up. It’s not fair to depend solely on serums, creams and masks. Today I’m discussing some practical ways to take care of your skin in everyday life that are absolutely free and highly effective for a more youthful and glowing appearance. Welcome to - live bold and bloom with Ishika. Face towel - Use a separate face towel to gently pat air dry your face. Think about it, you use your body towel all over your body. This is not just a bacteria or cleanliness issue, the products you put on your body such as your moisturisers, fragrances and your hair products are not the greatest if they end up on your face. They can clog your pores, increase breakouts and some could even cause irritation or rashes. Bacteria, dead skin cells, oil and other debris can collect on that towel that you are using on your body which can up your risk of skin infections, acne flares and irritations. Hair up - Yo...


In the previous blog, we learnt about body language tips and habits of extremely confident individuals. In the second part, We’ll go over your stance and posture .    • STANCE AND POSTURE- Start with your feet shoulders width apart, and    your toes pointing outwards. This is considered open body language. If your legs are crossed or you have one leg behind the other - this type of body language is called closed body language and is associated with fear, anxiety, defence and lack of confidence - traits that are not so attractive. On the other hand, open body language is associated with power and confidence, so feet and shoulder width apart and toes pointing outwards. Bonus tips for your feet and legs is to take big steps. Shuffling and creeping makes you look nervous. Take firm strides.  • ARMS: Don’t cross your arms. When we’re nervous, we tend to put our hands in our pockets, behind our backs or cross them to cover up our chest, and that can be seen as shy, in...


The first impression you send out, is usually how people will remember you by. So make sure it's worth looking back on.                                                                   - Christine E. Szymanski Barbara Pachter writes in her book  The Essentials Of Business Etiquette . "I believe that if you project a confident, credible, composed image, people will respond to you as if you are all those things. Who cares what you are feeling on the inside?" Okay so there is this 7, 38, 55 rule - which  says that 7 percent of all communication is words, 38 percent is the tone of your voice and 55 percent of all communication is through your body language. If you add it up, it turns out that more than 90% of all communication is non-verbal. So, if you want to present yourself as a confident person the best ...


Have you ever thought what makes life so unique and so beautiful? It is beautiful because whatever you have that what you may be facing, what you may be dealing with, life is still good. Everyday is a new day and another opportunity that others may not have. This life that has been just given to you for only temporary reasons has more meaning that you can ever imagine. You have to take the opportunity to live life the   best way you know how. There are going to be so many different things that    you will embark on. There are going to be so many different things that will going to try to slow you down. There are going to be so many different challenges that you must face. But instead of running away from the challenges, run towards them. Be able to understand that life has meaning, your existence has meaning. It has reason! Just remember you’re going to have go through these changes that puts you in a position to make you feel that you’re not worthy anymore. But make no m...


Love yourself instead of loving the idea of other people loving you. I know what you’re thinking….easier said than done, right? Nobody is born with high or low self-confidence. Confidence is a feeling that people develop and work on over time. For most people, confidence is something that comes and goes. Confidence isn’t walking into a room thinking that you’re better than anyone. It’s walking in knowing that you don’t have to compare yourself to anyone. Comparing yourself to another person that isn’t even in your system there’s no thought of comparison. There is no competition with any other human. You are not above anyone, you are not below anyone. That’s confidence! Self confidence is a super power. Once you start to believe in yourself, magic starts happening. And I’m sure you all have experienced this in one time or another where you have really felt self confidence in yourself. When you see a negative feedback coming your way that is criticism you try to become a little defensive...

Self Grooming Tips That All Women Need To Know.

“You cannot dream yourself into a character; you must hammer and forge yourself one.” -Henry David Thoreau.  A well groomed person is appreciated  by everyone. Personal grooming is necessary to appear clean and maintained. In fact, it also works towards an individual’s confidence in developing an attractive personality. For women, personality grooming doesn’t mean applying loads of makeup and wearing designer labels. It refers to accepting your body the way it is, and to groom its each and every part in the best manner for an overall pleasing appearance. Let’s check out some easy tips that go a long way in enhancing the appearance and personality of women. SELF GROOMING TIPS FOR WOMEN. 1. Healthy & Glowing Skin - There’s a hidden charm in that glowing skin. Yes, the naturally glowing skin is way better than hundreds of makeup products. To keep your skin healthy and glowing, you need to drink lots of water and indulge in a healthy diet which includes fruits and vegetables. ...