Barbara Pachter writes in her book The Essentials Of Business Etiquette. "I believe that if you project a confident, credible, composed image, people will respond to you as if you are all those things. Who cares what you are feeling on the inside?"
Okay so there is this 7, 38, 55 rule - which says that 7 percent of all communication is words, 38 percent is the tone of your voice and 55 percent of all communication is through your body language. If you add it up, it turns out that more than 90% of all communication is non-verbal. So, if you want to present yourself as a confident person the best way to achieve that is through your tonality and body language.
Here I’ll be sharing few tips with you that will alter your body language and give off a more confident vibe.
• LOOK YOUR BEST - Whether you like it or not you will be judged by your appearance. I know this is not strictly a body language steps but this is how our society works right now. You automatically feel more confident when you dress your best, I’m sure you have experienced this already.
• USE POWER POSES - Now, what you do mean by power poses? These poses involves open body positions that takes up space and your body signals to the brain that you're feeling confident.
In Amy Cuddy's 2012 TED talk on body language, the social psychologist reveals that just two minutes of various power poses can greatly help make someone feel and appear more confident. She said that standing or sitting with certain poses for as little two minutes raises testosterone levels and lowers cortisol levels, also known as stress hormone. In other words, if you use power poses even if you are not feeling confident, You will begin to feel powerful, dominant and optimistic - traits that belong to a confident alpha.
• SLOW YOURSELF DOWN - By slowing down I mean slow your movements, your speech, slow down your arms. If someone calls you, slow down as you are turning your head. The reason why slowing down works is because it shows people that you got everything under control even if you don’t. Also it shows that you’re not afraid, you’re confident and calm.
• STOP FIDGETING - The Opposite of being slow is being impulsive, nervous and fidgeting. Fidgeting comes off as a sign of nervousness. These movements can also take away the message you're trying to communicate and may distract people from getting to know you. Pay attention to what triggers your fidgeting habits, and attempt to replace those habits when you experience those triggers.
• PRACTICE SMILING AND HOLDING EYE CONTACT - Looking down when walking or talking is the fastest way to show someone that you are uncomfortable and not confident. What you should do instead is to hold firm eye contact about 80% of the conversation. If you find gazing into another person’s eyes intimidating, the trick is to look at the bridge of the nose right between their eyes. This is possible when the other person has a very strong personality but looking at the bridge of the nose will make the other person think that looking straight into their eyes. Also, wear a smirk a light smile on your face throughout the day, so you can come across as approachable, fun and confident person.