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Self Grooming Tips That All Women Need To Know.

“You cannot dream yourself into a character; you must hammer and forge yourself one.” -Henry David Thoreau.

 A well groomed person is appreciated by everyone. Personal grooming is necessary to appear clean and maintained. In fact, it also works towards an individual’s confidence in developing an attractive personality. For women, personality grooming doesn’t mean applying loads of makeup and wearing designer labels. It refers to accepting your body the way it is, and to groom its each and every part in the best manner for an overall pleasing appearance. Let’s check out some easy tips that go a long way in enhancing the appearance and personality of women.


1. Healthy & Glowing Skin - There’s a hidden charm in that glowing skin. Yes, the naturally glowing skin is way better than hundreds of makeup products. To keep your skin healthy and glowing, you need to drink lots of water and indulge in a healthy diet which includes fruits and vegetables. You must sleep well and exercise regularly to keep your skin invigorated. Wash your face with a mild face wash at least twice a day, and make sure to remove makeup before going to bed. Whenever  you buy any makeup products or even creams, prefer only the trusted brands. Do apply sunscreen before going out in the sun. So, by keeping a check on these points, you can certainly get healthy and glowing skin.

2. Dress Wisely - Dressing wisely does not always mean you wear expensive clothes. It is mainly how you dress up as per the situation. Let’s say you are going for a job interview – then it is recommended that you wear formal clothes and act simple. It will leave a good impression on the interviewer. Wear minimal jewellery to avoid unnecessary noise and attention. Dress up so good that it radiates a positive and confident personality and draws people towards you and what you have to offer. Always wear well-fitted clothes as they show your confidence. The way you dress and carry yourself matter a lot. Wear clothes in which you’re comfortable. But that doesn’t mean you’ll be wearing your tees and pajamas everywhere. According to the place and requirement your attire must go well.

3. Maintain Your Hairstyle - Hairstyle plays an important role in your looks and is an essential part of first impressions. You should have a basic and simple hairstyle. If you use hair dyes, choose those which are able to give you natural looks, don’t use green, bubble blue etc. Your hairstyle need not be fancy, it should be basic – the one that you can carry without any trouble. Wash your hair at least thrice a week with a good shampoo. Don’t overdo as it will damage your hair. Nourish your hair with hair oil twice a week. You can also indulge in hair spa to nourish your hair and relax yourself. Keep long hair only if you can maintain it. Tie it properly in a neat bun or a high pony tail to achieve a smart and professional look.

4. Apply Make-Up Sensibly - Nobody likes to see a face with cakey makeup. So, use makeup to enhance your look instead of changing your entire self. Apply foundation to cover the patchy skin and dark circles under your eyes. Put mascara to make your eyes look vibrant, but don’t overdo it. Likewise, apply subtle shades of lipstick or lip gloss. Always prefer light makeup for everyday look. However, if you’re going to parties, then the preference could be different as per the mood and attire.

5. Keep Your Nails Short and Clean – You must take care of your hands and nails. Likewise, care should be taken of feet and toe nails as well. Give yourself a manicure and pedicure once in fifteen days to keep your hands and feet healthy and clean. Apply quality cream on your hands and feet after taking a shower and before sleeping. Apply light or neutral coloured nail paints. Keep your nails properly trimmed, filed and clean to enhance your overall personality. You can use a nail shiner to give your nails a healthy shine.

6. Wear Clean & Comfortable Footwear – It is said that people often look at other’s footwear without any intention, yet it leaves an impression. If you’re one who prefers heels, get the one in which you’re comfortable and that doesn’t make noise while walking. You must keep your sandals clean to leave a better impression on the onlooker. 

7. Smell Nice - One must always smell good. No matter how good you look, if you smell bad, it is a big turn off for everyone around. Use a mild perfume or deodorant, and smell good. Generally very strong perfumes are not recommended for women. Yet it entirely depends on the choice of an individual. One should not wear very strong perfumes at offices.

8. Basic Etiquettes  Apart from your looks, basic etiquettes are very important for the overall personal grooming. One should smile which is often considered as a friendly gesture. Use courtesy words like ‘sorry’, ‘thank you’ and ‘please’ more often. The way you speak, walk, stand and sit should be taken care of. While speaking, your choice of words should be good so that you appear intelligent and polished. Never use harsh words or words that directly accuse others. Be polite!

9. Speaking - Speak in a way that individuals get inspired by what you are saying. The way you talk and your selection of words ought to likewise be prepped with the goal that you seem cleaned and intelligent. Never pick words that straightforwardly charge others and never utilize words that are unforgiving. Utilise little sentences and significant expressions.

In Concise Terms

Everyone wants to look smart. And it becomes all the more important when you’re working and you need to meet people on regular basis. Apart from our looks, it is equally important to observe and groom the way we speak, we walk, we sit, and present ourselves. The way you’re groomed shows people your confidence and your attitude towards yourself and your life. So, let the best version of yourself out and do the needful!


Adya Pathak said…
Magnificent.....I really like your blog
Thanks for the information
Anonymous said…
Over powered🥰
Anonymous said…
I like it.
Zaki said…
Keep up the Good work ��
Shagun Sharma said…
Thanking you issue .. I really like ur blog
Sush said…
Excellent blog Darling
Loved to read it

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