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Wrinkles, sunspots, dull rough skin and sadness these are some of the gifts our skin receives as we grow up. It’s not fair to depend solely on serums, creams and masks. Today I’m discussing some practical ways to take care of your skin in everyday life that are absolutely free and highly effective for a more youthful and glowing appearance.

Welcome to - live bold and bloom with Ishika.

  1. Face towel - Use a separate face towel to gently pat air dry your face. Think about it, you use your body towel all over your body. This is not just a bacteria or cleanliness issue, the products you put on your body such as your moisturisers, fragrances and your hair products are not the greatest if they end up on your face. They can clog your pores, increase breakouts and some could even cause irritation or rashes. Bacteria, dead skin cells, oil and other debris can collect on that towel that you are using on your body which can up your risk of skin infections, acne flares and irritations.
  2. Hair up - Your hair should be tied at night. Hair down means chemicals from your hair products, hair oils, sweat and may be even dandruff has more chances of spreading all over your face which can result in acne and breakouts. Now for the exact same reason we move on to the next point.
  3. Pillowcase - Change your pillow covers every three to four days. Your pillow case has a build of oil, dirt and sweat from everyday use. Most people don’t even realise that our hair holds more dirt in it than anywhere else in our bodies. Each night we are morphing our pillowcases with it and then we are rubbing our face all over into these pillowcases. Lot of today’s tips are very basic but yet an  eyeopener so keep reading for more till the end.
  4. Drink more water - 10 to 12 glasses of water a day is ideal, if possible include 3 to 4 glasses of warm water a the day. Now, big benefit of drinking water is its ability to flush your system of the toxins. This natural cleanse keeps your skin clean, pushing out bacteria and reducing the risk of acne and other skin problems. BONUS TIP - In our busy lives it’s very easy to forget drinking water. But you can install daily water intake reminder apps. It helps motivate you to drink water via a schedule you set up yourself.
  5. Eat more veggies - Say yes to veggies but no to vegetable oils. Vegetables are high in fibre which means your digestive system will work more efficiently. The clearer your system inside, the clearer your skin will look outside. Eating more vegetables can enhance your skin’s texture and appearance. Red and orange veggies are best for better skin because of their beta carotene content that protects the skin from sun damage. 
  6. Sleep - When you are sleep deprived, your body makes more of the stress hormone (cortisol). Not enough sleep detracts from your skin’s nature beauty. It increases breakouts and skin sensitivity and also breakdown of collagen and hyaluronic acid. Now, these are the molecules that give your skin that glow, the bounce, the translucency. So, get at least seven hours of beauty sleep.
  7. Exercise - Increased circulation from exercise means more oxygen and nutrients delivered to your skin cells which will radiate on your face. Contrary to some claims, exercise does not detoxify your skin. The job of neutralising toxins belongs mostly to your liver but by increasing blood flow, exercise helps to flush the cellular debris out of your system . So in easier terms you can think of it as cleansing your skin from inside.
  8. Water Splash - Have you noticed why your face looks a little puffy in the mornings that’s because when we sleep our cells regenerate and repair. Hence, our pores expand and our face looks puffy. A splash of cold water is all that you need so after you wash your face with warm water, splash some cold water. Also, cold water works great as an anti wrinkle treatment. It tones your skin and helps you fill out those wrinkles, it tightens the pores and it can also help your makeup to stay on for much longer. It also helps you get rid of the harmful effects of sun’s rays, as cold water tightens and protects the pores that gets opened up when the skin is expose to sun’s harmful rays.                               As you can see, even if you haven't been blessed by the skin gods with perfect skin, there are many things you can do to help you achieve this result. So people are you ready to make a change? Let’s take it slow together! Try to incorporate at least one of these tips into your routine this week. Which one will you try? 


Sanskriti said…
I guess
All of them
Amazing tips๐Ÿ’ฏ
Sush said…
Important Points To b taken care ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿป
U raised right points๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿป๐Ÿ˜˜

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