In the previous blog, we learnt about body language tips and habits of extremely confident individuals. In the second part, We’ll go over your stance and posture.
• STANCE AND POSTURE- Start with your feet shoulders width apart, and your toes pointing outwards. This is considered open body language. If your legs are crossed or you have one leg behind the other - this type of body language is called closed body language and is associated with fear, anxiety, defence and lack of confidence - traits that are not so attractive.
On the other hand, open body language is associated with power and confidence, so feet and shoulder width apart and toes pointing outwards. Bonus tips for your feet and legs is to take big steps. Shuffling and creeping makes you look nervous. Take firm strides.
• ARMS: Don’t cross your arms. When we’re nervous, we tend to put our hands in our pockets, behind our backs or cross them to cover up our chest, and that can be seen as shy, introverted and passive. So don’t cross them, don’t hide them, keep them relaxed by your side, on your waist or use them to emphasise certain points in your conversation.

• SHOULDERS AND CHEST - Most of you reading this blog will have your shoulders slouches forward and your chest inwards - and because we spend lot of time in this position because of phones and computers, without thinking we carry this posture throughout the day. But what you should do is, first bring your shoulders back and then down. This will fix your posture, open up your chest and straighten your neck. Speaking about the neck, it should be in line with your body and your head should be facing forward. You should bring your chin just a little bit upwards, but don’t overdo it as you may come across as arrogant. Also avoid tilting your head down as it signals lack of confidence and fear.
Confident body language is all about opening yourself, doing slow and controlled motions, speaking with calm and confident voice, taking a straight posture with your shoulders back and your chest up not being afraid to take up space and looking and feeling uncomfortable.

A rule of thumb is - if you feel comfortable, you look comfortable.
Give yourself 10 to 15 minutes in front of the mirror after reading this, correct some of the things you think you need to fix with your posture, walking and talking. Practice of the power poses, because those 15 minutes may change how people perceive you. You can literally become more successful, confident and attractive in your social life.
If you look and feel confident enough on the outside, You will start to feel it on the inside.