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Never look bad in photos again : Tips to become more photogenic.

As you know we have cameras everywhere - on your phone, on your computer and even on your doorbell it is crazy and not only that but social media has become one of the most important things ever for our generation so we need to make sure that we look our best when taking photos. Your Instagram is basically a story of your life and you don’t wanna post bad pictures there, right? 

So how do we make sure that you are photogenic and looking incredible in all of your photos. Well today I’ve all the tips that you need to know to be more photogenic and looking better than ever in all of your photos.

1. Improve your posture - Well, first thing you need to know to improve your look in photos is your posture. What feels like a normal and relaxed pose for you is actually gonna look pretty weird on camera especially if you have bad posture. If your shoulders are being pushed forward you’re gonna look terrible. you need to push them back, stick your chest out and then stand out straight your chin. Your chin can’t be all the way down because that creates you know what we call the double chin. So every time before you take a picture remember chest out, shoulders back and chin forward to get that double chin out of your pictures.

2. Find your angles - Everyone’s face and body is different so you need to have a good understanding of what your best features are. Is it your eyes, hair, jawline or may be your height. Once you know that you can play them up to your advantage. Say, if you have nice eyes you can get a close-up of your face so that people can see them properly. 

Get close to a mirror and practice your angels. Take a bunch of selfies. It’s gonna feel weird at first sight but every model does it, every actor does it. They understand exactly what their best angles are and they only show that to the camera.

3. Always face the light - Lightening is the most important thing when it comes to photos and videos. You want the light coming from the window or from your artificial lightening to fill your face because that’s gonna get rid of dark circles and eye bags that we all have some time. Lightening helps you to get rid of the shadows and make your face and your skin more smooth and clear. A lot of professionals say that lightening is everything in there. 

4. Tell a story - You have to always think about the purpose of the photo like what is the story behind it. A lot of guys can look good in photos but when you have a story, when you’re showing people that there is more behind that photo frame then you win the game! 

For example - If you have luggage with you. You’re going away so it makes sense to show those props in a photo. Props are extremely useful to tell a story so learn to use them in your photos. 

5. Master three or more poses - I want you to learn 3 to 5 poses and master them. This is the best way to look great during photoshoots. You should know your poses and angels and try to stick to them unless you’re something new and completely different. 

6. No sitting and slouching - Be very careful when taking photos sitting down, do not slouch because that looks really sleazy. Make sure that you’re always sitting with your back straight and shoulders back unless you’re trying a different moody pose. 

7. Smile with your eyes - Try smiling without moving any muscle in your eyes—it feels fake, flat, and boring. Now try smiling just with your eyes. Even when you don't smile with your mouth, but just with your eyes, you can take a good picture. Now put the both together—smile with your eyes and your mouth. And remember, practice makes perfect. Practice smiling in the mirror before getting in front of the lens.

8. Learn to edit - This is the most important tip here in today’s blog. Learn to edit your photos whether it’s on your phone or laptop. Learn to play around with colours, brightness and contrast so you can take your photos to the next level. It is just insane how much of a difference good editing makes. So, learn to use these editing apps to your advantage. Everyone nowadays edits their photos. The secret is not to make you look like someone else but just the best version of yourself. 

What are your go-to tricks for looking great in photos? Will you be trying any of the advice here?


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