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Hacks to make you instantly look more attractive.

You’re already so beautiful just the way you are, but did you realise there are quick and easy ways out there that can make you look even more gorgeous. Whether you’re getting ready for the first in school, preparing for a date or you just want to look good for no reason at all. Stay tuned because you won’t want to miss it.

Welcome to - Live Bold And Bloom With Ishika

Today I’ll be showing you few hacks to make you instantly more attractive.

De-puff eyes - We all have rough and hectic lives. And sometimes, we get so busy, we’re not able to get enough sleep at night. If you want to make sure you look nice and rested, you have to start by making your eyes look as bright as possible. To de-puff eyes make sure you sleep with your eyes slightly elevated. This will reduce the pressure on your eyes and lessen the chance of dark circles forming and your eyes looking puffy in the morning. Then, when you wake up the next day, grab a spoon and let it sit in your freezer for a few minutes until it gets really cold. Then, grab a teaspoon of olive oil and massage it into the skin underneath your eyes. Next, take the cold spoon from your freezer, place it underneath your eyes and hold it there for 30 seconds. The chilled spoon will relax the expanded blood vessels in your skin, and it will get rid of all the puffiness! 

Soft, pink lips - Pomegranate seeds are great snacks that have some pretty amazing health benefits. The seeds can work wonders on your lips! To start, you’ll need some pomegranate seeds and milk. Crush the seeds into the cold milk and mix it all together until it turns into a paste. Next, apply the pastel on your mouth and allow it to try onto your lips for 10 - 15 minutes. Then, wash it off. You can do this trick on a daily basis to magically make your lips smooth and rosy. But remember you have to remain consistent if you really want to see the results. 

Whiter teeth - Overtime, our teeth can appear duller, and stains can pop up on the enamel due to age, and the foods we eat. And that’s where strawberries step in to save the day! Not only they are delicious, but they can spruce up your your pearly whites in no time flat. Strawberries contain a natural acid that has been shown to prevent and remove stains. But you don’t have to use this hack to frequently because acid they can soften enamel. You can simply slice the strawberry down the Centre and rub it against your teeth. As a natural astringent, the strawberry will remove the discolouration from your teeth. Make sure you rinse your teeth with water when you’re all done. 

Fake definition - There’s a really easy way to make your legs and arms look more toned and slender without working out every single day. And if you’re already a fitness buff, this hack will still work for you. All you have to do is mix together your lotion with a little bit of highlighter. Liquid highlighter works best but you can also use a power highlighter. Next, apply the mixture all over your arms and legs. Make sure that it soaks into your skin. Seamlessly, the highlighter will add a little bit of shine to your skin. And when the gleam catches the light, it will give the muscles on your arms and legs some extra definition! 

Seal in colour - I’m sure you’re used to reapplying your lipstick throughout the day so that it remains fresh and beautiful. But what if I told you that there’s a natural way for you to keep your lip colour locked in all day long? First you have to apply your lipstick of course, any shade and any formula will do. It doesn’t matter if it’s a liquid lipstick or matte. Then, go ahead and grab tissue and place it between your lips. Gently press your lips into the tissue to get rid of any excess product. Then, reapply a second coat of lipstick. Next, comes the fun part. Grab and ice cube and gently rub it all over your lips. The ice will set your colour and make it stay on place for hours on end. With this hack, you’ll always look like you have a fresh coat of lipstick on all day long!

So girls are you ready to take the charge? Let’s take it slow together! Try to incorporate at least one of these tips into your routine this week. What are your tips for feeling more attractive? 


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