Learning how to master your emotions is essential if you want to live a life that you alone can direct completely.
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Having absolutely “power and control” over your feelings in any given moment is one of the greatest skill sets that you can master. It’s important to realise that whatever emotion you feel, you’re not feeling it because you have to...you’re feeling it because you choose to. That’s right you’re the source of all your emotions- because you’re the one who creates them. Now, after you understand that you only triggers your emotion, here are few steps to emotional mastery :
Step 1 : Identify your emotion -
The first step towards emotional mastery is being able to identify the emotion you are experiencing. This is important because uncertainty about the type of emotion you’re experiencing will have you in a struggle to respond accordingly. To help you learn how to better identify your emotion, ask yourself - What and why am I feeling right now?
Step 2 : Appreciate your emotion -
Resisting the emotion you feel is not healthy and can prove to make things a lot more difficult in your day to day life. On the other hand, appreciating the emotion you experience can help turn it into something you can use and work with as you move forward. For example, maybe something suddenly came up and made you feel frustrated or stressed. Instead of fighting the frustration, try to acknowledge that you’re frustrated and what specific circumstances made you feel that way. Once you are able to acknowledge your emotion and openly study it, you’ll be ready to move on to the next stage.
Step 3 : Analyse your emotion -
Get curious! Curiosity opens new doors to different perspectives and opportunities. It helps you gain unique insight to your emotion and the circumstances you find yourself in. Becoming curious about the emotion you’re feeling may lead you to ask yourself the following questions :
- What does this emotion offer me?
- What is this emotion’s true value?
- What can I do to make this better?
- How can I get the outcome I want?
- What do I really feel and desire
- How can I learn from this to better my future?
It’s important to remember that emotions are felt for certain reasons. They can teach you valuable lessons about yourself and your circumstances. Therefore, you must be open to finding necessary answers to help you overcome the emotional roadblocks you’re working through.
Step 4 : Get confident that you can handle emotion -
If you want to gain more control over your emotion, you need to handle your emotion more effectively. If you have trouble with this process, try remembering a time in the past when you handled a similar emotion. How did you successfully use that emotion to your advantage? This memory can be used as a foundation to help you pave a path toward a better future where your emotions no longer control your life. Instead, you consciously choose to respond with an emotion that can help the situation in a proactive way.
Step 5 : Forgive your emotional triggers -
Emotion triggers can be people, places or things that trigger you to feel a certain way. Learning how to forgive yourself and others for things that may have triggered your emotion will prove to be a key in helping you detach yourself from the problems that accompanied them. The resentment, jealousy, or anger lingering inside you will ultimately disappear - if you can detach yourself from the trigger. Learn to allow people to simply be who they are - without letting your emotions escalate and bring on negativity.
Step 6 : See the bigger picture -
Try to look at it this way: Everything that happens in our lives - whether it be good or
bad, happens for a reason. Being able to analyse past moments and discern the greater meaning of a given situation means you have mastered the art of wisdom. It may be difficult to understand at first, but as time goes by, you will begin to see a bigger picture of everything in your life. Even in the midst of an emotionally upsetting moment, trust that it serves an ultimate purpose, and everything will fall in perfect order.
Step 7 : Take action -
It’s time to take proactive action to transform your emotional state for the better. The final step is to be excited. You can now easily take control of your emotion, and prove that you have the capacity to handle it. All in all, the way to respond to the events and circumstances in your life is what makes the real difference. Know that, you’re always in full control of your emotions, no matter how tough it may seem. You can choose to feel differently and consciously control your emotional state. You, yourself, influence your emotions from the inside-out. Besides, why let yourself become crippled with negative emotions, when you can use them as an insightful source of positive action?
Mastering emotional intelligence is important and overtime. Once you have completely taken control of how your emotions affect you and how you can change them, they will effectively serve as input. You will be able to respond- instead of react, and take action accordingly.