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Legit First Date Tips For Women When You're Going Out With Someone You've Never Met Before.

With a number of dating sites, apps and opportunities to meet people, it’s not that hard to go on a first date but making it to the second one is! If you replay that date in your mind and wonder what went wrong or how you could have been better than you were then let me help you today. You may or may not want to go on a second date with this guy, but it is surely going to make that man go home feeling that he met a magnificent woman and leave him wanting more. So let’s learn how to take charge, women!

Welcome to - Live Bold And Bloom With Ishika. 

First date is not an interview but you are a representative of yourself and I want to show you that it is necessary to put your best foot forward while you are nervous or going weak in your knees. These tips will help you command attention and have fun too. 

1. Start with killer confidence- If you’ve read much of my content, you know what a fan I am of confident women. I know for a fact that men are very attracted to women who have high self-esteem and know their own worth.So before you leave for your date, give yourself a little wink in front of the mirror. You got this. This man will be blown away by your awesomeness. Know this, and your confidence will shine.

2. Pay Attention - Pay attention to your date and give them your undivided attention. That means put your phone away and keep your eyes on your date not wondering around the room and definitely not on your phone.

3. Don’t interview him - Don’t make your questions sound like you’re interviewing him. Find new ways of asking old boring questions.

For instance, instead of asking him his favourite movie, food or book you get more natural and real answers if you weave these questions into topics of conversation like you say, “let me guess, you enjoy action movies.” and there you started a conversation.

4. Let him talk - Why you should let the guy talk? Because that’s time you can pay attention to your own body language - that flick of your hair, the way you are sitting, the way you are holding your cup, your expressions while you’re listening to him. He is noticing everything even when he is talking to you because when you’re talking you can get so involved and excited about your topic that you can’t really care about your appearance or gestures or body language unless you have master doing both the tasks together. Also, if you are nervous on your first date this gives you a chance to put your act together. 

5. No pressure for future contact - Do not say things that indicate that you are interested in future contact. If you do so, you’re just putting pressure on him to see you again when he is not even comfortable with you yet. Instead will till the end of the date and if you had a good time let the excitement show in your voice that you really had a great time meeting him. Trust me he’ll do the needful.

6. Dress well and makeup - Dress up well and do some makeup so the other person thinks that you’re also excited about meeting him but don’t wear revealing clothes, it sends out wrong message. 

7. Don’t highlight your shortcomings - Don’t pretend to be someone else or someone more than you think, you need to be to impress him. Don’t highlight your weaknesses either your not so attractive qualities. You would never tell a guy about your alluring attributes then why would you go out of your way to advertise your negatives. Just like you’re scanning the boy inside out in your mind, he is doing the same too. So let him discover you.

8. Be prepared - Make a list of 3 or 4 things about yourself, your skills, your interest that you would like to mention in your conversation. Be prepared before hand. Chances are he may want to know more about your hobbies or what you like to do in your free time. If you know them before hand you just sound so much confident about yourself. So you don’t have to regret later what you said on that date.


  1. Avoid social media - Don’t take selfies with him and definitely don’t post it on social media. Also, avoid taking your own selfies too.
  2. Don’t mention your ex -  Do not bring up your ex. Even if it comes up in conversation, do not not give that topic much importance and change the topic.
  3. Avoid heavy topics - Stay away from heavy topics such as politics, religion or sex. People usually have very strong opinions about such topics.
  4. Steer the conversation - Have a stimulating conversation but don’t be overly polite. Show him your smart inquisitive side too. Come out of your shell and share the things that you feel passionate and knowledgeable about.
  5. Stay positive - Do not vent about your problems to him. He’s a date not a therapist.
  6. Respect people around - Don’t badmouth other people in front of your date. Nobody likes spending time with toxic and negative people.


I hope that these first date tips for women like you come in handy on your next first date. Remember - If it’s meant to be with this guy, it’ll be. Even if you spill your drink, fall, or make a dumb joke, if he’s into you, he’s into you. 

Also, Do not put so much stock into that first date. Yes, you want to make a great first impression, but you want to be yourself and be relaxed when you do.


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