In today’s blog we’re talking about power dressing and how you can look powerful. Everybody likes a little bit of power whether you’re being powerful at work, relationship or among your peer group. Power has importance, not only do people take you more seriously, but it helps your confidence sky rocket, productivity levels climb, and you get things done! It’s just having the ability to influence and inspire people. I’m gonna break down 7 ways so you can dress more powerfully. Let’s jump right in!
Welcome to - Live Bold And Bloom With Ishika.
It’s much easier to carve out a path of success in game-changing style that shows you’re ready to conquer the world.
#1 : Have a signature look - Think of people in power throughout modern history and even ancient history, they have got a signature look. Let’s think about Michelle Obama, she definitely has a signature look and she has got a look about her. You know what to expect every time you see her. So, having some sort of look that is uniquely you says power because it says, “you know who you are.”
A few women who come to mind when I think of “signature looks” are Anna Wintour, Emmanuelle Alt, Christine Centenera, Miroslava Duma, Jenna Lyons, and Taylor Tomasi Hill. They always look elevated, distinct, and powerful – and it happens to be equal parts fashion and attitude.
#2 : Be well groomed - Shower, comb your hair, put a little bit of make-up on! You’re not going to look powerful if you’re stinky one in the class. So grooming yourself does wonders and also helps you get ready to attack the day. I pretty much everyday put my face together. Somedays I definitely give myself a little break from wearing make-up but just the act of sitting down and paying attention to yourself and caring for yourself can really help you feel and come across as more powerful.
#3 : Emphasize quality over quantity - Quality clothing that fits you well, even if you buy cheap clothes and get them tailored to give that feeling of quality really does help you to come and stand in a place of authority. A high quality thing can easily pull you together and make you feel like a million bucks. It’s most important to pay attention to the fit/tailoring, stitching, and material.
#4 : Play with color to your advantage - Darker colors say power. There is something very powerful about a person who is wearing a black suit or a black dress or may be a navy coloured suit. Darker colors scream authority. That’s why you always see CEOs of large corporations, business tycoons, and politicians decked out in black or navy suits. Don’t feel compelled to only wear darker colors, but this is a good place to start if you’re new to power dressing.
#5 : Create high contrast using punchy color or accessories - This is a big power move when it’s comes to wardrobe. So, if you’re wearing all black and you’re contrasting that with a bright red pumps. This contrast is giving us power.
Working in fashion gives me a little more wiggle room for what I can wear and what’s deemed appropriate but you should know what’s acceptable for your work environment.
#6 : Skip patterns - When you’re in a position where you’re trying to be powerful say, you’re delivering a speech where you really want to reach and impact people having to much pattern can really take away your message because people are to busy trying to read your outfit. You won’t see someone in politics who is delivering a speech wearing a lot of patterns because it’s taking away their message. This is something to think about next time you’re speaking on stage.
#7 : Break the rules - Step out of your comfort zone or what’s deemed “professional” once in a while because doing so will turn heads – and for me, that’s always a confidence booster. Some examples of this could be opting out of pumps for flats with cropped high-waisted trousers. At some point, neutrals will get boring so brighten up with bright hues like red.
“Surprise the crowd without straying too far from your natural habitat.” What are some things that make you feel and look more powerful? If you enjoyed this post, please share with friends! And be sure to follow on Instagram - @live.boldandbloom Let’s take this journey together! Your support is greatly appreciated!