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Today we’re talking about personal branding. Personal branding is a very big part of image coaching sessions. But who is personal branding for...It is for everyone. It is the practice of creating an image you desire to achieve an objective. You position yourself in a certain way to be seen a certain way. It is actually an on going process of developing and maintaining a reputation, an impression of yourself as an individual just as it is of an organisation. 

As an Image Coach, my practice is focused on self improvement and as a part of that personal branding defines how you can package yourself for success. Now, what is a personal brand? Personal brand is a relationship with you as an individual who exists separately from your company. The process of personal branding involves finding your uniqueness, building a reputation on the things that you want to known for and allow yourself to be known for them. Now, ultimately the goal is to create an image that conveys a message that can create an unspoken introduction of yourself to benefit your personal life or your professional life. 

Welcome to - Live Bold And Bloom With Ishika. 

Here, I’m presenting 3 these unique tips to create your brand - 

1.) Discover your uniqueness - Discover your uniqueness and use that uniqueness to solve a problem. Genesis of a personal brand is to answer one simple question with one word. What problem do you solve? Now, my uniqueness is that I help identify your strengths and help you highlight them. I understand how every body type can be look like to make a better version of itself through your personality, body language etc, and then I use all of these to transform your confidence. So, the problem that I solve is that help you transform your confidence. Now, for you it could be something completely different. You could be a good cook, a fitness expert, a dietitian, a dancer, a therapist or whatever. Have faith that you have something to offer to millions of people out there who know nothing or very little about, what you know a lot about.

If you have an amazing sense of say, decorating home then be it social media or in-person don’t be afraid to share your strengths. Now, this could be in the form of your in-person introduction or even as your content on social media. But when it comes to create an in-person introduction, create one that is memorable in less than 2-3 sentences. Normally, we’re shy to speak about ourself but for a moment stop feeling shy and try to say that about yourself proudly. 

2.) Create a better social media image - In today’s age, your social media presence is extremely important. People are seeing you on social media more than they see you in person. So, to put your best foot forward on social media is something that all of us must learn and learn to do well. Often times you know that you’re going to like that person before you even meet that person based on what their social media page reflects about them. Also, if your social media page is a good reflection of who you are then it almost works like your resume. Your presence on social media is sort of like your business card that reflects your character and purpose. 

Now, sometimes people can be a little confused about what content should they put out there. Everything that everyone knows is from what they have learnt now add what you have learnt from your past experience to your content in small bits over a period of time showcasing your character. Your social media handles should work as your introduction when you actually speak to someone in person, chances are that someone has either already looked you up before they meet you or speak to you or they’ll look you up right after speaking to you to understand more about who you are. You do that yourself to! Don’t you? 

3.) Modify your public persona - To create a personal brand, you need to deliberately modify and reinvent a public persona which means definitely your voice through everything you present about yourself. One of the things on the list is how you dress, it can be a daunting task especially when you don’t know where to start but remember you need to bring forward your personality and not copy anyone. Be genuine. Take a good look in the mirror and notice your strengths that you want people to notice now, highlight them. You don’t even need to immediately invest in a new wardrobe but learn to create new exciting combinations. Make sure that your clothes are tailored to fit you any outfit looks better when it fits you better. Do simple things like iron your clothes, don’t take small negligible stains lightly because everything is creating an impression about you and ultimately your personal brand. 

You are too special, unique, interesting, and important to settle for a life that you don’t love. Now is the time to start making bold choices! I urge you to begin the journey to recreate yourself! And, I’ll be here to support you every step of the way.

If you enjoyed this post, please share with friends! And be sure to follow on Instagram - @live.boldandbloom Let’s take this journey together! Your support is greatly appreciated!


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