Today I’m going to share my top 10 fitness tips, just 10 little things that I always tell myself, that I always tell people about your overall fitness and hitting your goals. If you follow these tips you’ll be able to reap the benefits with a little less struggle.
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1. Don’t expect results right now - Don’t expect to get results right away. Don’t expect to get the same amount of results as the person next to you or anyone that you see online. Everyone is different, it’s going to take a different amount of time for you than it did for me than it will for the person next door. Also, don’t expect it to happen overnight. Don’t go into it with this high expectation that you are going to do one cardio session and lose a kilo, it’s not going to work out that way. You need to be realistic that your body works different to everyone else’s. One food might react differently with my body to what it does with yours. Don’t give up if it doesn’t happen after a month or two months, keep trying keep experimenting but don’t give up because in the end you’ll see results.
2. Work hard - You have to work hard - a little light jog here and there and some low intensity workout at the gym (that’s not really getting heart rate up) is not going to get the job done. If you’ve got big weight loss goals or muscle gain goals, you have to put in the hard yards, you have to sweat. No matter what you’re doing if it’s weightlifting, yoga, running or pilates you need to give it your all. If you turn up everyday and bring 20% of your a-game and then wonder why you’re not getting results, you are not working hard enough!
3. Try new things - Don’t stick up to the same old boring routine. Your routine might not be boring you might love it, you might the exercises you are doing or the workout you’re doing but don’t stay on this line. Mix up your intensity go for different methods, different styles of training, incorporate different exercises, life heavier weights. Always push yourself further. Make sure you’re always progressing and going upwards.
4. Eat well - You might be absolutely killing it in thr gym and then you come at home and then having a pizza every night or soft drink for dinner every night. You have to realise that fitness and food are one. You can’t train yourself with a bad diet. If you’re not eating a nutritionally balanced diet you just won’t get the results.
You will lose weight if you eat a low-calorie diet in which you burn off more calories than you take in, and you will gain weight if you eat more calories than you burn off. Think about it!
5. You can’t spot reduce - If you’re trying to lose weight or body fat from a certain area, do not try and spot target. You lose the fat from your abdomen just from doing those crunches, you need to do compound things, bigger things, work the whole body. Just because you work on one area does not mean the fat is going to fall off in that area. Yes, you’ll build the muscle in that area which can help it look more toned and bring up the muscle a little more but you just can’t spot target.
Also you need to be doing bigger movements if you’re trying to lose big numbers. Work on your overall body - Do cardio sessions.
6. Don’t neglect flexibility - You cannot workout the best of your ability if your muscles are tight and cramped and you have bad mobility. You need to stretch, focus on active recovery. Go for walks and do some yoga. You need to look after your body more than just smashing it in the gym.
7. Rest is important - Take time off. Don’t forget to take a week off if you feel like you need it. If you’ve been pumping it really hard for a few weeks, a few months, a year - take a week off, sit back and relax. Give your body a well-deserved break. Sometimes the time off will have you come back faster and fitter and stronger.
8. Scales - Instead of focusing on the scales all the time take your measurements. Take measurements of your waist, bust, hips, bicep that is going to show you a lot more results than just stepping on the scales. Also, Take your body fat percentage. This is going to give you a lot more results than just stepping on the scales.
9. Try plyometrics - Plyometrics is jumping exercises incredibly effective but probably not for you if you’ve really bad ankle or knee problems. Plyometrics are effective if you’ve been doing a lot more cardio and you’re not seeing results. These exercises can get your heart rate up just as much as going for a 10 kilometre run or doing some sprints on the treadmill and it will burn more body fat. It is super effective, really good for building muscle and losing weight, increasing cardiovascular fitness.
Do things like burpees, squat jumps, tuck jumps, box jumps, star jumps - add those things into your sessions.
10. Get help if you’re not sure - Last but not the least, ask for help if you need it. Don’t be afraid to tell someone that you’re stuck or that you don’t know what’s right for you or that you’re not sure where to go. There’s people out there that can help you. Your trainer can help with your workout plans and a nutritionist can help with your diet. Make sure you get to your goals faster and just give you that peace of mind as well to know that you’re on the right track.
So, that is it! These are my top 10 for overall fitness and how to hit your goals a little bit faster. I hope you like them, I hope there’s something in there that you haven’t heard about before but anyway do leave your thoughts in the comments.