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5 Beliefs of Kim Kardashian : The Mindset And Attitude Of Thinking Wealthy.

Today we’re going to talk about five beliefs that make Kim Kardashian a world wide star. 

Traditionally people have become stars or famous through some recognisable talent whether that be acting, singing or dancing. A talent for creating products and so on. Kim Kardashian has none of these talents above in fact she’s not conventionally talented in any way. But what Kim did is she reinvented fame and she reinvented what it means to be talented. So, let’s take a took at the beliefs underneath that shaped this.

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Belief 1. Universal or core belief - This means unconditional love for the self for unconditional self-love. Most of us has a problem with this belief and what that looks like is - I love myself only if I look a certain way, lose a certain amount or weight, achieve a certain amount of money or have a certain relationship only then will I love myself. But the subconscious ones wants to know that we can love ourselves exactly as we are right now. Not after the riches or after the beauty or after the success but in fact right now. Kim Kardashian has this - she has unconditional love for herself and it reflects in the world around her. When we don’t have this it can look like problems created in the world or people not liking but in fact Kim has this and people love her because she loves herself. 

Belief 2. Universal belief of my wishes - Kim Kardashian wishes for many things and she gets many things. She has an open belief in her wishes. What are your wishes? Do you allow yourself to wish for things? Once we understand and believe that we can wish for things, we deserve to have the things that we wish for then we can start to open up and wish for those things that we truly want. Once we understand that our wishes don’t harm anyone, when we do wish we deserve to have what we wish for then we start to take easy action towards those things that we’re wishing for we start to get easy results. 

Belief 3. My world takes care of me - Kim Kardashian has this belief. She is surrounded by people and teams who support her. She has assistants, crew, her family even who helped to support the empire which is Kim Kardashian. It’s important to have in this belief in order to build success on a grand scale. If we have a belief instead people are difficult to work with or it’s difficult to build teams. I have to do everything myself that is going to get in the way of us building our teams and having the success that we want. There are many companies who have tried to grow but have had difficulty in growing because they’re unable to build teams. However, Kim Kardashian has that belief my world takes care of me and thus she has a world that takes care of her.

Belief 4. Universal belief of my individuality - This belief has to do with accepting all parts of ourselves whether we may think they’re good or bad. It’s accepting everything there’s no room for shame or insecurity. When we accept everything in us, others will accept us as well. Kim Kardashian has accepted her individuality in total and this is reflected in her world by everyone accepting her.

Belief 5. Others unconditionally love us - Our subconscious belief are reflected back to us in our world and this is reflected back in Kim’s world in the form of adoring fans and global fame. Your subconscious beliefs can make you rich, famous, loved or whatever it is that you desire as long as it’s your true wish.

“If you’re searching for that one person that will change your life, take a look in the mirror.” 


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