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10 Tips For Effective Public Speaking.

We know speaking skills is important in all professions. Before we get into the tips on how to become a better speaker, I want to emphasise that you don’t have to sound like someone else just like you don’t have to be or look like someone else. You’re you and you’re unique. The only way you can work on is how to become the best speaker that you can possibly be.

What do you tell people when they ask you - How can I present like you? How can I get better? The thing that really helps is that I’ve learned about the perspective to change my perspective. For example, I show up to give. I always remind people that the most important thing about being an effective  presenter, an effective speaker is you have to show up with a giving attitude, you have to show up to give, you know something, you’ve seen something, you’ve done something, you’ve tried something that someone else thinks others need to hear that’s why they invited you to speak. 

Welcome to - Live Bold And Bloom With Ishika.

1. Take the time to prepare well for your presentation.

Preparation enhances your confidence and it’s also an opportunity to refine any weak areas in your presentation, You can improve your presentation skills and enhance your credibility by planning, preparation and practice. There are two secrets of delivering a good presentation : practice and preparation. Take the time to prepare properly, and your chances of success will increase enormously.

2. Practice with distractions.

Once I know the content, I like to add a little bit of distraction to test how well prepared I really am. Turn on the TV or rehearse while pushing your child in the swing. Anything that adds a little more challenge.

3. Begin and end your presentation on time.

Arriving late to your presentation is simply unprofessional; not to mention that it won’t win you any points with crowd. Also speaking over time shows your audience that you don’t value their time.


4. Know your audience.

The only way you can really relate your audience is if you know who they are. 

Profile your audience.

  • Are they male or female?
  • What income bracket they are in?
  • Why would they attend your presentation?

Find out as much as you can about who will be attending your presentation, once you know who will be attending, structure your speech to elicit the best response from them. If it's a corporate event, teach and inspire them. Know who you are speaking to and what they want or need to take away.

5. Dress appropriately for your audience.

There are many places where business casual attire has become a norm. It is always necessary to look well groomed. Make sure that your clothes are all clean and ironed, your foot wears are clean and you hair is tidy. Always remember first impressions are strong and very hard to change, so dress appropriately to achieve the right first impression.

6. Make eye contact.

This one is very important, and it doesn't matter how big the audience is. Make eye contact with as many people as possible. It makes the audience members feel like you are speaking directly to them. And don't just stick to people in the first couple rows. Look at the people in the back too.

7. Tone down information overload.

Yes, you can overload your audience with too much information and if you’re not careful, you’ll lose them. They’ll mentally check out. As a speaker, you’ll want to present enough information that hooks them into getting more information from you!

8. Practice tone and projection.

Don't just eek your way through a speech using the same tone and volume. Tone and projection add a layer of entertainment and help keep the audience fully engaged from start to finish. These too must be practiced religiously.

The monotonous speaker will lose their audience within the first 15 minutes. It’s okay to be animated during your presentation and in fact, doing so will transmit flair and passion that keeps people engage in your message. 

9. Project confidence.

The more you project confidence, the more confident you are likely to feel. Get out there and own the room. Even if you are terrified. Fake it. Look people in the eye and command their attention.

10. Learning from your experience.

Remain calm when faced with hostility from the audience can help diffuse a negative situation. Answers to questions should be kept relatively short, especially if you know there are other questioners waiting to be heard. Silence can be used to provoke an audience to ask questions. 

Your presentation can be fool proof if you take the time to minimise mistakes. By going through these key points, you can assure yourself that you are well prepared for any challenge that might come your way and you will experience the success you’ve always dreamed of !

Speaking is a great way to connect with people and a skill we all should master. It's a must for leaders and managers. It's a must for sales. It's basically a requirement for all entrepreneurs and business leaders.

So get on it ! 

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