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What do you say or what do you do when someone talks down to you, we have all experience people who talk down to us, sometimes verbally and sometimes by merely using their body language. Today I’m going to share some amazing ways in which you can use your words or your body language to stand up to these people. Many people tell me about certain incidents and how they did not speak up at that time just so that could let that situation pass but that feeling keeps eating them from inside where you feel like why did I not speak up! Why did I not stand up for myself! Well There are ways to be prepared to respond in such situations without responding with anger.


1.) Don’t be afraid of the confrontation - If someone raises one eyebrow, rolls their eye, clears their throat in middle of your conversation, smile sarcastically when you’re speaking, takes deep puffy breathes or don’t look at you when you’re talking to them and you let that pass then you may only be encouraging a behaviour that leave you frustrated. Now, there are joyful people or miserable people not good or bad people, you cannot change them but you can change something about yourself that will actually ultimately bring a change in the way those people treat you. If you let people speak over you by not saying small negative things in public or acting in disrespectful manner and you keep quiet, not saying anything to that person sends the message about you to everyone who is present there as well. Ignoring someone that is putting you down denies them the pleasure of a response from you. Also, it’s not good for you to act out of anger or other negative emotions. Plus, their bad behavior will really stand out against your good behavior. You know, Sometimes silence and ignorance can be the best weapons! 

2.) Change body language to change mindset - To change your body language is to change your mindset and vice-versa. I’m about to tell you something that will help you change something in your mindset so you can take action confidently next time. Understand why they are doing what they are doing, it is only when feels threatened by you or insecure in your presence or they want the focus to remain on themselves and not share the limelight or they could be people with authority who talk down to you to make themselves feel more superior. It could be your body language that shows sign of nervousness and anxiety due to their behaviour. They only way you can have control over their behaviour towards you is by having control over yourself. Close your eyes and think of one person you want to be like, 9 out of 10 times that person is someone who commands respect. People with leadership skills have body language of a leader, they take up more space, they don’t shrink or slouch, they command respect, they maintain eye contact. Watch some of these people you admire speak then become what you respect and then mirror the traits you admire. This is the only way you attract what you expect from others. 

3.) Don’t reach out of anger - This is a clear way to let the person know that you want him to quit putting you down. If ignoring the person didn't work or if the situation is especially annoying or hurtful, telling him to stop can help resolve the problem.Make sure you are calm. Look him in the eyes and use a controlled, confident, clear voice. For example, if a peer insults you, take a few deep breaths and then calmly say, “Stop! I’m speaking.” Remember - Be assertive but not aggressive. 

With a positive, kind but assertive approach, let the other person know that what they’re saying is wrong, but it doesn’t bother you.

4.) Be fearless with your social media image - Not just in person everything that I’ve been talking about can happen to you online too. Social media is a huge part of our lives today. For example, If you hear people who talk down on you or take the freedom to use inappropriate language and they have hidden names or hidden profile pictures, you don’t let that kind of stuff stop you. Remember and believe in those people who love you and believe in you versus people who don’t. You cannot make everyone happy. People who don’t like you cannot be a reason for you to give up. Learn to accept that no one is hundred percent accepted and loved by everyone. Plus, don’t try to please everyone. A lot of you want to be more present on social media but you have that fear of judgement, those negative comments that you always think about but it is you who needs to build that mindset, that mind strength to find that voice that shows that you’re not intimidated by others. Develop that personal brand that commands respect be it in person or social media. People can see you as alpha male or alpha female as a leader. Your confidence gives you courage people will take you more seriously. Use your words and body language to defend yourself in real life situations too. 

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