Today let’s talk about Reputation versus Character. Between Reputation or Character what would you choose? Let’s talk about this and understand the concepts and therefore help you make a choice at the end of reading.
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Reputation is important to many people and they do everything they can to build or to protect it. People get involved in various public relations social contact activities to ensure that they are being spoken about and seen in places of importance, they say or do things to look good in public not necessarily because they really feel for it. For example; we come across people who always speak very politely while at work but are very rude while talking to people at home or people whole fight for social cause but cannot do justice to people at home again. Haven’t we come across those who act very pious in society and yet secretly involved themselves in unhealthy activities. Most human beings are very conscious about their reputation, they live in a world of drama. They pretend, they lie, they act in order to earn a good name but in reality they never gain inner peace and satisfaction, their entire life is wasted trying to build and protect a false reputation. Someone truly said the more concerned about your character that your reputation because your character is what you really are while reputation is merely what others think you are. This statement establishes the fact that your character is built but your reputation is created by people. So spend time and effort on building a strong character and reputation will definitely get taken care of.
The word character is described as a description of a person’s attributes, traits or abilities, moral or ethical strengths. Character is your nature - who and what are you really made up of inside. It develops over a period of time. People’s behaviour can give you some indication of the character. For example; people with strong character will display passion, determination, willpower, drive, energy and consistency. However, people will weak character will not be able to display any of these traits yet they may pretend that they possess these skills and behaviours. If you squeeze a mango what comes out? Mango juice for sure! What is inside is what really comes out. In life you’ll be put through situations which will test your character and who you’re as a person will be reflected. Let us consider examples of Bill Clinton scandal with Monica Lewinsky, boxing champion Mike Tyson’s ear biting episode or football legend Marrow Donor’s involvement with drugs; each of these acts created a dent in the person’s reputation and it happened because of weakness in the character. You may possess the skills and the abilities to succeed but if you’re not strong ethically then you will have to pay a price for it. When false reputation dissipates and true character is exposed life normally gives you a second chance to prove yourself and people with the basic substance latch onto it. They learn from the mistakes and make genuine efforts to build a strong character like Bill Clinton did. He accepted his mistake openly and got back into his integrity. As life could have it, he went on to develop a very strong character and continues to earn respect as a great statement over time. But sometimes inspite of doing your very best people may still talk badly about you. You have to accept that you cannot stop people from creating their own perceptions nor can you stop anyone from talking negatively about you if you’re strong in your ethics and have faith in your abilities then you do not have to worry about anything because truth will finally prevail and you’ll always lead a happy life.
In conclusion - Reputation grows like a mushroom; character grows like an oak. It takes long time to develop a great character but with commitment and efforts you can achieve anything so go on and build a strong character and let people create your reputation so until the next time keep building your character.
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