What does it mean to be a successful woman? Does it involve having a high paying job? Being financially independent? Owning fancy cars or running your own business? Or is it simply having a healthy family? Achieving true happiness? Finding your purpose or living a more meaningful life?
Everyone has different definitions of success, but whatever it means to you, there are certain habits all successful people share that help them achieve success both in their personal and professional lives.
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1. She believes in her vision, even on the hard days: Oh how I wish there were no hard days, but as you and I both know, the hard days come and sometimes, they can knock us off our feet. But a woman of success doesn’t let those hard days get the best of her because deep down, she has a vision from God that she is clinging to; a vision that has moved her heart and soul. A vision that keeps her feet planted and her mind at ease, even when everything around her is crumbling
2. She doesn’t apologise for investing in herself: A woman of success realises that there are so many opportunities for her to learn and grow. She’s never satisfied with staying the same and because of that, she sees the importance of investing in herself. Whether that is through the reading of books, listening to podcasts, attending conferences, workshops, and/or signing-up for a training course, personal investment is a must.
3. She uses past failures to move herself forward: All of us have moments in our lives where we just didn’t “make it.” Instead, we fell flat on our face. And it’s in those moments that we can either choose to have them derail us, or push us forward. A successful woman has learned the fine art of seeing those moments as teachable moments; she takes what she learned and moves forward, determined to not make the same mistake again.
4. She put the right stuff in their mouths: It's hard to be successful when you don't feel good. And it's hard to feel good if you're consuming too much sugar, alcohol, refined carbs or processed foods. All of this stuff causes inflammation which can result in fatigue, pain and just plain feeling like crap. The most successful women avoid these conditions by drinking plenty of water (and no soda), eating vegetables and lean meats as well as limiting their intake of booze.
5. She’s open to change: Change is inevitable and as much as we would LOVE to stay in our comfort zone, we can’t. If we long to be successful and fulfill the calling, the assignment that God has given us, it’s going to require that we be ok with change. A successful woman views change as an opportunity to learn and grow. Instead of allowing fear to consume her, she see’s change for the adventure it is and for the opportunity it’s giving her to be even better.
6. She’s grateful: Lastly, a successful woman is grateful. Instead of focusing on what she doesn’t have and what she wants, she focuses on the many blessings that have been poured out upon her. She’s grateful for the big things and the little things, the big moments and the small moments. Gratefulness consumes her life.
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