As we enter the resolution setting season, It is important to plan a strategy so your chances of success become much higher especially when you look at the failure rate - 92% people are failing to reach their targets because they don’t set goals. Here are my 3 goal setting tips that will help you join the other eight percent of people who achieve their goals. I can guarantee you one thing that just knowing the right thing to do or just hoping to achieve a change in yourself is not going to work if you don’t follow a few important steps. Remember - Hope does not change anything. Action with a purpose does. So if you’re ready to achieve your image goals then let’s begin. Welcome to - Live Bold And Bloom With Ishika. #1 : Add purpose to your goals - The first and the most important is not just to have a goal but also to understand what is the purpose of your goal. For instance, setting a goal like, “I’ll dress well everyday.” Now that by itself is not going to work. You will notice t...
EMPOWERING YOU ALL TO BE THE BEST VERSION OF YOURSELVES. If the way you communicate with your body and personality changes the way you feel, move, and speak, then you are experiencing the positive impact of image empowerment.